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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

work experience :)

Its the middle of the week and its going good ! Im in the Bioinformatics part in nui maynooth ! Its grand I thought i would be doing all parts of biolgy but what i am doin is just a part of it .... it is all about genes and sequences its intresting enough and im learning loads ! Im lik a student haha! all the people with me in the lab are soo nice ! they explained all the key words i would have to no while im here so that made it so much easier. I am doing a little project at the moment where a compare all diffrent genes and get the similer ones and at the end i am making a tree with the genes linking up to the others that are common to them....its quite complicated but im getting through it ok! haha ....
This is a human Rhodopsin 1 >

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