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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

colour me beautiful ... :D

This was great ! It showed us what colours suited our figure skin and colouring i was a soft going into a deep colours that suit a soft are like purple diffrent shades of browns blues and reds ... a deep suits colours lik deep reds, purples, blues all the bold colours .... a light suits all pastel colours lik a light yellow, light blue all the realy light shades of colours. They also told us our shape and what you can wear to suite your shape .... It was soo good and I think everyone realy enjoyed it !

mini company

For our mini company we are doin a cookbook called just desserts. It will be filled with loads of chocolate desserts that are easy to make and sections for diffrent things eg sleepovers. It will have some healthy things in it to incase u feel guilty about eating chocolate all the time ! hah .... It will be great so make sure you buy one!


work experience :)

Its the middle of the week and its going good ! Im in the Bioinformatics part in nui maynooth ! Its grand I thought i would be doing all parts of biolgy but what i am doin is just a part of it .... it is all about genes and sequences its intresting enough and im learning loads ! Im lik a student haha! all the people with me in the lab are soo nice ! they explained all the key words i would have to no while im here so that made it so much easier. I am doing a little project at the moment where a compare all diffrent genes and get the similer ones and at the end i am making a tree with the genes linking up to the others that are common to them....its quite complicated but im getting through it ok! haha ....
This is a human Rhodopsin 1 >

Monday, November 1, 2010

geography project


We have nearly met our deadline for our geog projects ... THANK GODD. It was grand i suppose but all the reasearch was so much effort ! I know i probably sound so lazy but there is so much to write about ! We were told we had to pick 2 first 2 second and 2 third world countries ... i chose to do Brazil for my 3rd world and New Zealand for my first world .... I would love to go to New Zeland somtime so that is why i chose to do my project on it .... I did Brazil because I think it would be an intresting country to research. I have found out so much about both countries ... but i cant wait until i hand it in !

< Brazil
                                                                       < New Zealand