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Thursday, March 31, 2011


Yesterday a photographer came to take pictures of all the people that won things this year. It was ment to be only for tys but in the end it was for everyone. I was in a picture for glasnevin drama our mini company "just desserts" and rugby :) it was suppose to take like less than a half an hour but it took an hour hah! It was good though :)

Music nite ..

Last night was music night and all the TY’s sang mama said by Dionne Bromfield. We have been practicing in all our music nights and sometimes during lunch. We were on the stage for about two minute and then it was done. It was great crack and we all enjoyed it. There were so many acts ... around 28 I think. We were third after the interval. Everyone said we were really up-beat and sang it well so that’s good ha! We will be singing it for TY night so let’s hope it goes that well then to :)

Music night

Last night was the music night. All the ty's sang mama said by Dionne Bromfield. We have been practcing in all our music classes and sometimes during lunch. We were the third act afer the break and we nailed it :) haha. It went so fast we were up on the stage for about two minutes and went home straight after. It was a good night and everyone enjoyed it :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cycling Talk

On Friday a man from Kildare county council came in and gave us a talk on cycling. He talked about why we should cycle, the benefits and advantages of cycling. He was talking about the Netherlands and how nearly everyone there cycles and its mostly woman where as here it is mostly men and boys that cycle. Cycling is better for our health fitness and it causes less traffic congestion on the roads which in Ireland is a big problem. He was talking bout how it the completely normal to cycle everywhere in the Netherlands and Kildare county council are trying to do the same here

Bog Bodies

On Thursday we went into town to see the art museum and then the national museum. We went into the national museum first. We saw some tools and jewellery from the people in the stone and bronze age a Lurgan boat and bog bodies. These are bodies that were found in the bogs and have been preserved for millions of years in the bogs. They could find out what their last meals were and on one body found they could even take his fingerprint! Their hair was preserved but died the coloured of the bog because they have been there so long. We then went to the art museum and saw paintings by Jack B Yeats and other famous painters. We then went to William B Yeats's poetry museum. My favourite museum was the art museum I thought it was the most interesting.

Margaret Aylward

On the 15th of March we went to glasnavin to preform our play "Time Of Your Life". We got there at around 11 and we saw the other plays being practiced we left our bags into one of the halls behind the hall and practiced our three plays a couple of times. We then got pizza and went down to the shop to get some sweets. We started to get ready for the play at around six and preformed it at around half eight. We got presented with books and a trophey and left straight after the preformances. We got back home at half ten.

Friday, March 25, 2011

jabba jabba gembe

On tuesday we had a drums workshop in the music room. It was from 9:45 until 2:40 with a man called David. Most of us at the start had a drum called a gembe drum. To introduce us to the diffrent ways of playing the drums David would play somthing and we would play it back to him. We did a beat called the woodpecker and pat the baker. He said diffrent sounds for the diffrent beats. There was loads of diffrent instruments that we could play and i cant think of all the names at the moment but they were all good. It was a good day and i would like to do it again.